T h e G r a d u a t e U n i v e r s i t y o f A m e r i c a
T h e N e w S c h o o l o f P o s i t i v e P s y c h o l o g y
We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the
Best Online University Gold Medal for 2024 by the
American Positive Psychology Association!
This award is based on excellence in innovative
course designs, outstanding student
services, and affordable
In a recent survey, 98% of our students and graduates gave us a
5-Star rating for satisfaction with their courses, acceptance
by employers, and personal fulfillment.
Sabrina Clark, PhD Testimonial, Class of 2020
Positive Neuropsychology Graduate
“Dr. Wells, You must know that my degree has changed the trajectory of my career.
It is my hope to start a Positive Psychology Department at the VA. I just
may be able to do it now that I’m the Chief Learning Officer!”
Sabrina Clark, PhD, Executive Director
Human Capital Services Center/Chief Learning Officer
Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO)
U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Enroll Today! You Will Be Glad You Did! Request
a free copy of our Executive Summary
and Program Guide!
Innovators are always criticized by mediocre people. Do not let the weak-minded
make your decisions. Be an independent thinker. Make your own decisions. Ignore what
others think. Doubters are a barrier to innovation and progress.
Do not become a debt slave and victim of the factory system of American higher
education! It has evolved to benefit bureaucrats who run the system
and tenured professors who teach only 3 to 5 hours per week!
Choose a customized degree program which gives you maximum control
over your education at an affordable investment of tuition.
Abandon the Conventional Paths Laid Out
by Others and Forge Your Own!
Our Programs Will Increase Your Scientific Knowledge,
Enhance Your Professionalism, and Improve
the Quality of Your Life and Work!
Do You Have the Self-Discipline to
Do the Reading and Writing?
Are You An Independent
Our programs explore the
following fields in
* Evidence-Based Thinking
We are emotional thinkers by nature and instinct created by evolutionary natural
selection. This adaptation helped save the lives of our ancient black
ancestors 200,000 to 300,000 years ago.
We inherited this emotional nature and it appears as a genetic predisposition
in all humans. Ninety-Five percent of what we do and think is driven
by our emotions rather than our reason.
Our emotions emerge automatically when triggered. There is no thinking going on at this
level. While it did help our ancestors survive and reproduce, it is a disadvantage
in the modern world which is dramatically different from life on the
savanna 200,000 to 300,000 years ago.
The world has changed, but our brains and minds have not. To get the best results in life,
we must rewire our brains to put the brakes on our emotional responses
and to act or react rationally.
* Positive Psychology
Board Certified Positive Psychology Practitioners Teach Their
Clients How to Create Happiness, Well-Being,
and Flourish in Life.
It is through the practice of P. E. R. M. A.
P = Positive Emotions
E = Engagement in Life
R = Relationships
M = Mattering
A = Accomplishment
* Evolutionary Psychology
How the Mind and Human Nature Came to Be.
* Behavioral Genetics
How Genes Influence and Create Behavior.
* Neuroscience
How the Physical Brain Works
and Creates the Mind.
* The Science of Birth Order
How Functional Birth Order and Sibling Rivalry
Incontrovertibly Determine Personality.
* Male and Female Brains
Men and women are not the same. They are not interchangeable. Each sex has a brain sculpted by
evolution for different tasks and purposes that existed on the African savanna 200,000 years ago.
We have the same brains as did our original black African ancestors 8,000 generations ago.
Welcome to Our Internet Home!
The New Science of the Mind, Human Nature and Well-Being!
A New Paradigm in Higher Education for the
Nontraditional Student!
The Joy of Knowledge
It is joyful, pleasurable, and enornously satisfying to study history, human behavior,
and all domains of accumulated human knowledge. Living for millions of years
in one’s own mind is the closest we can come to eternal life lived in but
a single human lifespan. It is a gift and a privilege to be alive!
Important Message
- It is only through the lens of positive evolutionary psychology that human nature and human behavior can
be properly understood.
- Transform your personal life and practice with the completion of one of our four tracks.
- Internalizing this new knowledge will radically change your understanding of human behavior, and, more
importantly how to improve it!
- This knowledge is foundational to the practice of positive mental health as a coach, therapist, counselor,
consultant, teacher, HR professional, or human being.
- We offer traditional earned degree programs as well as a fast track degree program.
- Please see our new Fast Track Degree Program at the bottom third of this page
- Our programs are APPROVED by and Tuition paid for by the U. S. Federal Government for employees!
- Our accreditation is RECOGNIZED by the U.S. Department of Education!
- Hundreds of EMPLOYERS have paid for our programs on behalf of their employees!
Distinctive Benefits
- Lowest Tuition in America – 12, 18, and 24 Month Payment Plans Available
- $5,000 Scholarship if You Qualify
- Finish on Your Own Schedule
- 100% Online
- Four Tracks: Positive Psychology, Neuropsychology, Positive Neuropsychology, and Human Behavior
- BA, MA, PhD, PsyD, Board Certification
- Accredited by the American Positive Psychology Association (amppa.org)
- No Semesters! No Start Dates! Customized Learning!
- Approved by the U.S. Federal Government!
- Don’t Become a Debt Slave to the Federal student loan program!
Request Your FREE Program Guide Today!
From Martin E. P. Seligman, PhD
“You assuredly do not need to be a licensed psychologist to practice positive
psychology or to be a coach. Freud’s followers made the momentous
error of restricting psychoanalysis to physicians, and positive
psychology is not intended as an umbrella for yet
another self-protective guild.
If you are adequately trained in the techniques of coaching,
in the theories of positive psychology, in valid measure-
ment of the positive states and traits, in the interven-
tions that work, and you know when to refer a
client to someone more appropriately
trained, you will be, by my lights,
bona fide disseminators of
positive psychology.”
To Enroll
Receive a $5,000 Scholarship if You Enroll by January 31, 2025
Please request an Enrollment
Form by Email
Tuition Investment Plans
Degree Programs – 10 Courses
PhD or PsyD Degree – Ten Courses
Positive Psychology, Neuropsychology, Positive Neuropsychology, Evolutionary Psychology, Human Behavior
Full Program Tuition (Books are in addition) – Please request the Program Guide for tuition details
- A. Single Pay
- B. 12 monthly installments
- C. 18 monthly installments
- D. 24 monthly installments
Master’s Degree – Ten Courses
Master of Positive Psychology, Neuropsychology, Positive Neuropsychology, Human Behavior
Full Program Tuition (Books are in addition) Please request the Program Guide for tuition details
- A. Single Pay
- B. 12 monthly installments
- C. 18 monthly installments
- D. 24 monthly installments
Graduate Certification Programs
Board Certification Programs – 5 Courses
Board Certified Positive Psychology Practitioner
Board Certified Positive Evolutionary Psychology Practitioner
Please request the Program Guide for details.
New Fast Track Degree Program!
Earn a fully accredited PhD or PsyD degree in Positive Evolutionary Psychology!
Earn the Prestigious Credential: Board Certified Diplomate of Positive Evolutionary Psychology!
Membership in the American Positive Psychology Association!
Program Features
This program is not a walk-in-the-park. It requires real effort, real study, and concentrated writing efforts.
You must have a bachelor’s degree or higher in any field to enroll.
Read and study the Handbook of Human Nature, the Mind, and Happiness.
Take the open book exam of 205 questions on the content of the book.
Upon satisfactory completion of the exam, you will be awarded a PhD or PsyD.
Please request the Program Guide for details.
The degree will be granted by the New School of Positive Psychology at the Graduate University of America.
Our degrees are valid in all states and countries.
You may call yourself “Doctor.”
You may put your degree on your website, business card and anywhere else you choose.
This program is accredited, approved, and sponsored by The American Positive Psychology
Association, the Positive Psychology Foundation, the Graduate University of America, and the New School of
Positive Psychology.
Published Author Program
Students enrolled in our traditional programs are required to write a minimum 25 page paper for each of ten
courses (2 page summaries per chapter per book). Upon completion of the program, students will have written
a minimum of 250 pages. The compilation of these papers will constitute a record of what you have learned and
how you plan on applying this new knowledge. Your combined work will serve as a draft of your book to be
published on Amazon.